Overland Shade Co wants to give you several helpful tips to keep your shades and blinds in perfect working condition.
Always properly raise and lower your blinds. Make sure they are in the open position when raising and lowering, and if they are heavy blinds, make sure to support the bottom rail with one hand. For vertical blinds, it is equally important to make sure they are traversed while in the open position to avoid misalignment.
When you need to tighten a spring on the roller shade, draw the shade down a few rotations while still in the brackets. Then remove the roller from the brackets, roll up the shade, and replace. If the spring is too strong, just remove the shade from the brackets while the shade is rolled up. Remember to allow a few turns of the shade to unwind and replace.
Always clean these products using a soft, clean cloth such as a feather duster, dust cloth, or dusting mitt. A soft brush attachment on your vacuum cleaner may also be used.
Don't use any ultrasonic or scrubbing cleansers or any chemical solvents. Prevent damage to wood finishes by avoiding high-moisture areas.
All cloth tapes can be spot-cleaned with normal fabric cleaning materials you can find at the store. These don't usually leave stains or discolor the tapes.
A mild detergent can also be used. Beware, spot-cleaning may result in cleaner areas. Clean cloth wipes are the best material to use for spot-cleaning.
Contact Details
8231 Midland Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63114
(314) 426-1970
Our Location
Contact Details
8231 Midland Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63114
(314) 426-1970
Our Location